If you cannot view the content , please click here. AskLORA helps mitigate stock trading risks with AI bots ⋯⋯⋯⋯ Stock trading can promise gainful returns, but with volatile conditions such as inflation and the pandemic eroding profits, investors need to quickly adopt new strategies to cut their losses. To help regular investors survive market downturns, Lora Technologies has created AskLORA, an automated trading platform powered by AI robo-advisors.
Specialised in managing individual stock-focused solutions, utilising proprietary AI algorithms and investment bots, the Cyberport start-up has been delivering professional investment tools to underserved retail investors since its inception in 2019. Unlike most stock trading apps, the AskLORA technology can tell investors not only what to buy, but also when to buy and sell, ultimately helping protect them in uncertain times.
Running the AskLORA platform are three AI investment bots: the Range Trader for capturing gains in a range-bound market, the Breakout Capturer for riding upward trends and maximising profit, and the Guardian for automating trading to take profits or stop losses. Even with little or zero trading experience, retail investors can benefit from AskLORA’s easy-to-use platform, which is designed to recommend and adopt the best bot strategy based on individual needs and risk appetite. Moreover, AskLORA can help institutions offer bespoke risk/return profiles at scale and low entry costs.
A successful applicant of the government’s FinTech Proof-of-Concept Subsidy Scheme, AskLORA was recently named “Outstanding Artificial Intelligence Stock Trading App” at ETNet’s FinTech Awards 2021.
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