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» Vol. 56  April 2013


Cyberport's affiliates score big wins at annual Hong Kong ICT Awards


Fantastic response to first ever GD-HK ICT Young Entrepreneur Programme

  New tenants spice up offerings at The Arcade

Cyberport website wins top award for accessibility


Cyberport Startup Alumni Association Launches - Join Now!

  Cyberport celebrates Mother's Day with special concert  


  The Allure of White Gold  


Cyberport website wins top award for accessibility

Cyberport's website has earned a top-tier award at the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) and the Equal Opportunities Commission's first ever Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme.

The Gold Award recognizes the importance of web accessibility and its role in facilitating access to online information and services to all the community including the visually and hearing impaired, physically handicapped, elderly and also cognitively disabled.

Ms. Winnie Wong, Head of Marketing of Cyberport received the award on 15 April at an awards ceremony that was also one of the official events of the International IT Fest.

"The award reflects our commitment in promoting ICT adoption and efforts towards building a digitally inclusive society," said Ms. Wong.

"Our achievement would not have been possible without our strong team, and the collaboration with i2 Hong Kong Limited and Access Testing, a Cyberport's Smart-Space user.  They were true partners and worked hard to ensure our website was user-friendly and accessible," she added.

Access Testing was Cyberport's web accessibility consultant providing testing disciplines, tools and techniques to improve the website experience.  i2 Hong Kong Limited was the technical partner and implemented frontend and backend changes to the website.

Cyberport was earlier in the year also awarded the Jade Award of Internet Professional Association's Web Care award.


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