Cyberport Startup Alumni Association Launches - Join Now! |
Launch of the Cyberport Startup Alumni Association
(CSAA) promises to draw together close to 200 participants, offering them the
opportunities to network and maintain links to the digital hub.
In this May, the association will launch e+ Startup (e+創業), a bootcamp and
summer internship program for university students majoring in ICT, Business and
Design. Selected students will get to learn from and work closely with
incubatee alumni to solve real problems in startups. The program not only
promotes the startup culture among university students, but also a platform for
incubatee alumni to recruit potential talents.
The new association already has a series of events in the pipeline including an
alumni association annual gathering which will connect over 100 SME tenants,
incubatees, alumni and ICT professionals. Other reunion and networking
activities in the year will include CyberRun (the annual charity run), war
games, hiking trip and kendo workshop.
"We hope the association will not only provide a focal point of contact among
alumni, but can also encourage current incubatees and university students to
become more involved in Cyberport and better understand what the digital ICT
industry has to offer," said Andrew Pang, CEO of Leovation and also Chairman of
the association.
For enquiries, please contact Ms. Chris Chan (e-mail at [email protected] or
phone at (852)3166 3869)