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Important Notes

All applicants and successful applicants are reminded of the following which may be relevant.

1. Probity Policy for Applicants/ CMF Recipients

To ensure openness, fairness and integrity of the CMF, each applicant/recipient shall:-

  • Observe the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Hong Kong Legislation – Cap. 201) and shall advise its employees, agents, subcontractors and other personnel who are in any way involved in its application/project (the "Personnel") that they shall observe the same and that they are not allowed to offer to or solicit or accept from any person any advantages as defined in the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance in relation to the application/project;
  • Not offer or give or agree to give any person employed by Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited (“HKCMCL”), the members of the Macro Fund Investment Committee, or any individuals acting on its or their behalf, any gift or consideration of any kind as an inducement or reward for doing or forbearing to do or for having done or forborne to do any act in relation to the CMF or for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the CMF;
  • Promptly declare and notify HKCMCL in writing of any potential or actual conflict of interests upon becoming aware of the same. "Conflict of interests" shall include (but are not limited to) any situation where the personal/financial interest of an applicant/recipient or its Personnel, conflict or compete, or may be expected to conflict or compete, with the role, duties and/or impartiality of such applicant/recipient or Personnel relating to the CMF;
  • Apply any CMF funding prudently, efficiently and solely for the purpose of any CMF approved project;

2. Expenses

All costs and expenses incurred for or in connection with any enquiry in relation to this notice, including the preparation of any submission, shall be borne entirely by the party concerned without recourse to HKCMCL.

3. Specific Disclaimers

Please note that any requests for information are being invited on a non-committal basis and this invitation does not constitute any part of an offer by HKCMCL. HKCMCL is not bound to award any funding or contract to any parties which have replied to this notice.

Investment in the CMF is restricted to HKCMCL and its affiliated entities. Accordingly, nothing contained in this notice constitutes, nor should it be read as being, an invitation, or an offer, to invest in the CMF.

4. General Disclaimers and Privacy Policy Statement

Please note the contents of our general disclaimers and privacy policy statement. The links can be found at the bottom of this page.

CyberLink Vol. 198 Mar 2025
CyberLink Vol. 197 Feb 2025
CyberLink Vol. 196 Jan 2025