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New Emerging Technology

With a clear focus on development, the Technology Centre will further enhance its role in the adoption of state-of-the-art technology to keep the industry abreast of the latest news and advances. The Centre has adopted the following initiatives to facilitate the development of the local ICT and digital entertainment industry.

  1. Build up a high speed transmission platform in Cyberport like Digital Cinema Exchange, 2K/4K live Streaming.
  2. Offer visualization enhancement to the ICT and digital media SMEs like 3D internet, stereoscopic 3D technology, Augmented Reality, Body-controlled technology.
  3. Establish a self-provisioning Cloud Computing platform.

High Speed Transmission Platform

A high speed network platform like the Digital Cinema Exchange allows users to transmit high quality digital content within a secured network, including live streaming of 2K and 4K digital content.

Visualization Enhancement

Visualization enhancement, ranging from images and animations to generated simulations and beyond, is increasingly important in advanced devices and popular applications. Recent advancements embraced by the ICT industry include 3D Internet, stereoscopic 3D, motion-sensing technology, and game-based learning.

Next Generation Network (NGN)

Technology Centre will enhance the next generation network (NGN) for high performance network that will provide a platform and solution to pursue and drive Web 3.0 to facilitate the development of high valued-added, technology-oriented and diversification of the SMEs. The Centre is capable to transfer data over the fastest global digital networks up to 10Gbps in bandwidth.

Multimedia Facilities

The Technology Centre is committed to fostering local talent and innovation, which helps the local ICT and digital entertainment ecosystem grow and thrive. To that end, the Centre provides facilities rental of the state-of-the-art multimedia production facilities to the industry, SMEs and academic institutions. These facilities include studio and video control rooms, digital input and output services, the I/O Centre, video editing suites, 5.1 audio editing suites, event production and more. The Technology Centre offers digital creators the tools and services necessary to explore their full potential. Interest parties please contact us for more details.

CyberLink Vol. 192 Aug 2024
CyberLink Vol. 191 Aug 2024
CyberLink Vol. 190 Jul 2024